Crystal Basics - All you need to know!
Crystals themselves come in many different shapes and sizes. The important thing to note is that it doesn’t matter how big the crystals are, they all emit the same amount of energy! This means that little tumble stones are just as powerful as a big raw chunk. You don’t need to spend a fortune on a massive piece to get the benefits!
What are crystals and how do they work?
Crystals are made up of their own ‘recipe’ of chemicals and minerals that mix and form a solid substance. This is why they all range in colours, shapes, sizes and why they are used for different purposes. Without sounding like your science teacher - they really are just a bunch of Atoms that put out a certain energy/frequency. Some crystals emit energy at a high frequency and you can feel benefits straight away but some are a gentle more subtle frequency and they work their magic in the background. Each type of crystal formation emits energy that can be used to ‘counteract’ or ‘neutralise’ unwanted energy or they can be used to uplift and heighten your own positive energy.
Let me explain –
Let's say it’s a normal, average day. You are not having a bad day but nothing overly exciting has happened either. We are going to call your energy NEUTRAL. Then you walk into a room and there is another person in there. They are having a really bad day. They are stressed, they are frustrated and they are feeling totally overwhelmed! You don’t even have to speak to them to know how they are feeling – you just pick up on the ‘vibe’ in the room because they are putting out NEGATIVE energy. Now – you have things to do in the room so the both of you are in close proximity and as you’re talking the negativity starts to get to you. It starts to make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed yourself even though you were feeling fine before you came into the room. Now we have both of you sitting there feeling negative. The point I am making is that if your ‘exposed’ to negative energy it starts to rub off on you! BUT – the same goes for POSITIVE energy. We all know someone who uplifts you when you are around them. Their bright and happy energy is enough to ‘counteract’ your negative energy even when your day perhaps isn’t going to plan. These kind of people make you smile because their positive energy is so strong and contagious that even when you are no longer in their company you still feel happy and positive. Crystals really work in the same way except it is the crystal emitting the energy, not another person.
For example -
Smokey Quartz is a crystal that I would consider to have a MEDIUM frequency. It can be used for a number of reasons but one of them is to repel negativity. Keeping a Smokey Quartz in your pocket or in your space (or in your bra 😉) can help on the days when you, or someone around you, is feeling negative. The energy it puts out is strong enough to counteract negative energy being felt and keeps things at a neutral level. A Carnelian on the other hand is a SUPER uplifting crystal that gives off energy at a STRONG frequency. If you’re having a bad day or feeling tired its energy is strong enough to go beyond just neutralising negative energy. Carnelian boosts the neutral energy to bring more positive energy. This is why it is important to ensure the crystal you choose is appropriate for how you are feeling or for the reason you need it. Often the crystal you feel yourself ‘drawn to’ is one you need – it’s your intuition guiding you!
How to choose your crystals –
As mentioned above, choosing your crystals is almost about letting the crystals choose you. If buying in person it is best to find out about the crystal you can't help but ‘pick up’ or hold. There is a reason you are feeling that way. If buying online from Light & Insight try and notice which photos and colours you are drawn to and use my ‘Crystal Dictionary’ Crystal Dictionary (lightandinsight.com) to read about which crystals meet the criteria for your needs. I honestly believe that you cannot make the wrong choice. There is a reason you choose what you choose; it is a great idea not to overthink it too much.
Once you have chosen your crystals –
Cleanse, Charge and Activate.
Once you have chosen your crystals it is important to understand that they will ‘store’ the energy around them. It is important to CLEANSE the negative energy they store and to CHARGE them with positive energy. Especially when you first receive your crystals. I personally always cleanse your crystals before delivery but I myself emit energy, as does the mail man and everyone else the crystal may come into contact with. My best advice is to always cleanse and charge your crystals the first time you touch them! From there on in the best thing to do is to cleanse and charge them reasonably often especially when you notice changes. If you feel you are no longer getting the benefits of the crystal then that is a fair indication it needs some love. Once your crystals have been cleansed and charged for the first time you are ready to set your intention with them. Below outlines exactly how to perform these 3 steps.
How to cleanse your crystals –
There are many different options for cleansing your crystals and I will give some examples. You will soon learn what feels right and easy for you.
FULL MOON – The easiest routine to get into is to put your crystals outside under the light of the Full Moon. They are best placed on a natural surface such as on dirt or on a wooden surface. Just ensure they are safe from animals, the weather etc. Place them outside on the day the Full Moon peaks or on 2 days either side as the energy is still strong enough. The only time it is unadvisable to do this is when we are in ‘Eclipse Season’ as the energy in an Eclipse can be unpredictable and sometimes can cause the crystals to emit more negative or crazy energy.
SMUDGING – Smudging is in my opinion the best way to cleanse. There are two options – Sage or Palo Santo. Sage is easily used in the form of a ‘Smudge Stick’ and is used in rituals to smoke out negativity and cleanse everything. Palo Santo is a small stick of sacred wood that is also used in the same way as Sage but is a lighter, sweeter and less smokey version. Palo Santo is my favourite way to cleanse everything! All you need to do is light the Sage or Palo Santo and hold your crystals in the smoke while setting the intention in your mind that the smoke will cleanse all the energy that isn’t serving you. There is also ‘Smudge Spray’ that offers the same benefits but are a smoke free option – perfect for asthmatics. They are often infused with essential oils as well as the Sage or Palo Santo.
WATER – Running water of any kind can be used to cleanse your crystals. Salt Water is a very popular option but your normal tap water is fine as long as it is flowing opposed to them sitting in the water.
SALT – Burying your crystals in salt is another more traditional way of cleansing the negativity from crystals. It is not an option that I frequently use but it is certainly a popular option among many.
SOUND – You can buy singing bowls that when struck with a special mallet makes a sound that removes negative energy from everything nearby. This is a more expensive option but a nice and easy way to do it.
CRYSTALS – Clear Quartz and Selenite are a very easy way of cleansing your other crystals. You can buy cleansing and charging bowls and plates where you place your crystals on or in. You can also simply place the crystals you wish to cleanse next to and touching a Clear Quartz or Selenite crystal. I always store a small Clear Quartz with my crystals and my tarot cards.
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How to charge your crystals –
Once you have Cleansed your crystals of negativity it is important to charge them with positive energy. Here are a couple of simple ways to do this - again you will find what works for you.
SUNLIGHT – Putting your crystals out in the sun allows them to be charged with the suns happy and positive energy. Great for more uplifting and positive crystals (usually brighter coloured).
MOONLIGHT – Also with the exception of Eclipse Season, crystals can be placed in the moonlight over night to charge with the moons energy. This is perfect for crystals that have a more calming energy (usually white or pale coloured).
SELENITE – As mentioned above, Selenite itself is a really great option and can be done anywhere at any time. Place the crystals on a form of selenite and leave it overnight for best results.
How to activate your crystals -
The next thing to do is to set your intention with the crystal. Don’t overthink this, it isn’t hard. It is really just simply telling yourself what the crystal will be used for. For Example – If I believe that I need help feeling gratitude for the amazing life I live, my choice is Citrine. When I receive my Citrine I cleanse and charge it and then hold it in my hand and say/think "As I hold this crystal I am activating its energy and using it to help me feel the appropriate gratitude for the people and situations in my life. I want this energy to constantly remind me not to take anything for granted"... THAT’S IT! Setting the intention is also a wonderful way to reflect on which parts of your life you wish to improve and is a moment to feel proud of yourself for taking the steps to do so!
How to store your crystals –
The best way to store your crystals when not using them is to keep them in the bag that they come in or wrapped in a soft cloth and kept in a special box or place where they will not get lost or damaged. A Selenite bowl or plate can also be a great place to store them as Selenite itself cleanses AND charges your crystals. Please ensure you always keep crystals in a safe place out of reach of children and pets.
Crystals really are an amazing tool to help us to heal and enhance our life. I hope this information has taught you a little more about them but please don’t hesitate to contact me if you ever want more information or have any questions.
Jayde x