Crystal Dictionary
Agate is a very soothing stone helping you feel safe and secure. It is used to soothe anxiety, heal anger and calm your emotions. It harmonises your emotions and your mind to transform any negative thoughts or emotions into positive ones. It is a very stabilising and cleansing stone helping rebalance and soothe your emotions. Being multi-coloured, It belongs to all the chakras hence its ability and strength to provide you with balance and soothing emotionally charged negativity. Agate is also used to undo and heal the “Evil Eye”.
Angel Aura Quartz is used to bring spiritual elevation and aid in spiritual growth. It has an intense vibration that is known to activate your soul energy and has the ability to activate all of your Chakras. It is known to clean and heal any holes, tears or lose patches within your Aura. It also protects you from any negative effects of the energy that you may come in contact with.
Amazonite is excellent for meditation due to its calming and centering effect on the mind and body. It deeply stimulates the throat chakra and empowers you to express your true feelings with other people. It gives one the strength to set clear, firm boundaries.
Ametrine is a unique combination of Citrine and Amethyst. It removes blockages that are preventing you from achieving your highest potential in life. It can increase persistence, will power and self discipline to help you overcome self sabotaging behaviours. Ultimately it gives the benefits of both Amethyst and Citrine.
Angelite is used to help connect you to the angel’s realm, strengthening your connection to your own personal guardian angel or an angelic loved one who has passed. It helps you with healing from any kind of trauma or loss, helps you with deal with grief bringing serenity. Angelite is a perfect crystal for healing and aids in truthful communication. Perfect when communicating with the Angels realm or spirit guides, call on your spirit guides asking them to help guide you on your path.
Apatite is spiritually believed to be a crystal of manifestation that enables you to open your eyes and see all aspects of your life clearly. With a clear thinking mind you are enabling yourself to make the required changes on your journey to pure happiness. Apatite is also believed to instal motivation help you to remain positive and optimistic.
Apophyllite is a reasonably rare stone. It will help to enhance your intuition and make your senses sharper. This makes it easier for you to interpret guidance from your own higher self and gives you more trust in that guidance. Apophyllite can make you more sensitive in all aspects of your life. It helps you to trust your instincts and to notice things you never have before. Apophyllite can also help you connect with your spirit guides and guardian angels and to help feel and trust their presence in your life.
The aquamarine crystal is thought to help heal from emotional trauma through cooling tempers and conflict. Other benefits of aquamarine include stress relief, helping suppressed emotions resurface and instilling a sense of peace.
Black Obsidian is a protective stone that brings great mental strength. It forms a shield around your aura, protecting you from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is believed to aid on the release of addictive behaviors and dissolve emotional blockages.
Black Tourmaline acts as a strong protective shield - guarding you from evil spirits and all kinds of negative energy. It is a very grounding stone and is believed to increase physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress.
Bloodstone is perfect for healing and restoring the mind and body. It brings a state of tranquility and restores joy after trauma, turmoil, grief, loss or emotional heartache. It will also aid you on your spiritual path! Meditating with bloodstone is an ideal way to stimulate the root chakra. Also a stone of protection, bloodstone can inspire deep inner strength and courage.
Blue Quartz is a soothing and calming stone, bringing a relaxing, peaceful vibe to any situation. Blue Quartz can be used to cleanse the aura and to clear away even the toughest energy blockages. Blue Quartz can help you to connect to higher realms and work with ascended beings.
Bumblebee Jasper contains various minerals including – Calcite, Pyrite, Manganese Oxide, Volcanic Ash, Mematite, Sulfur, Agate etc. It is used as a grounding stone that helps you to accept change in your life and help you to find new opportunities. It is used for boosting self esteem and help to make logical decisions without relying on emotions.
Caribbean Calcite will help to instill tranquillity in your surroundings and bring a tranquil state of mind. It will help you gain perspective of your dreams, allowing you to bring your dreams or desires to life. It is an extremely relaxing crystal, perfect for the bedroom as it helps you to relax and to sleep. It allows you to release emotional blockages and live your life with passion, higher self-awareness and with a hopeful mindset
Carnelian gives you the confidence, motivation, and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits. It is a high energy crystal that brings out undiscovered talents, stimulates creativity, eliminates procrastination, and strengthens concentration.
Celestite promotes purity of the heart and heals the aura. It is said to improve dysfunctional relationships by facilitating communication in a calm and peaceful manner. It also stimulates clairvoyance and helps you access and communicate with the celestial realm.
Chevron Amethyst is comprised of Amethyst and White Quartz. It gives you the courage you need to follow your spiritual callings and reach your highest potential. It promotes a peaceful sleep, making it a beneficial stone for those who suffer with insomnia. It is also known to boost your immune system and bring mental peace and clarity.
Citrine has a joyful energy as it possesses healing properties of the sun. It is believed to assist in manifesting prosperity, success, and abundance. It is effective in treating depression and low self-esteem by helping you remain in the present moment.
Clear Quartz is a powerful stone often referred to as a 'master healer'. It can be programmed to manifest any intention, whether it be personal, spiritual, or financial. It cleanses all the chakras, clears stagnant energy, and opens the mind to higher guidance. Perfect to keep with other crystals as it cleanses them and amplifies their own energy.
Desert Rose brings about a calming and rejuvenating energy. It can be used to relieve stress and enhance feelings of confidence and motivation. It is often used during meditation to bring clarity and focus. Desert rose is great for cleansing negativity from your space and your body and great for use in overcoming fears and phobias. Also known for enhancing psychic abilities, it is great for all kinds of spiritual practices. It is a very powerful and beautiful stone to add to your collection.
Garnet is an energizing stone that revitalizes all the chakras. It alleviates emotional disharmony, balances sex drive and enhances love between partners. It has a strong link to the pituitary gland making it beneficial when healing past life baggage.
Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura, draws out negative energy and disease and helps with letting go of the past.
Green Aventurine is believed to relieve mental and physical anxiousness and calm emotions. It is believed to aid in protecting and healing your heart as well as stabilising your mind. It aids in optimism, assist in releasing old habits and invite a LIFE OF NEW BEGINNINGS. It brings inner stability helping you change and accept change. A spiritual healing crystal helps dissolve negative emotions aiding in mental and emotional healing.
Hematite promotes courage and boldness, and is beneficial for women who are timid and afraid of speaking their truth. It acts as a strong shield against negative energy and is said to help relieve pain as it maintains the charge of nerve cells in the body.
Howlite is an extremely calming and soothing stone. It is beneficial for those with insomnia as it quiets the mind - helping you experience a deep sleep. It brings greater gentleness and empathy when dealing with others, and eliminates frustration and impatience.
Jade Stones have been used for centuries to promote health, wealth and luck. It is believed to bring about a long life of courage, wisdom, balance, peace, harmony and love. It gives off a gentle but steady flow of energy and is great for helping you feel calm. It helps to remove negative thoughts and brings about healing energy. It will bring the wearer protection from harm.
Kunzite is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. It opens the heart chakra to unconditional Divine love and allows you to heal from rejection, abandonment, and betrayal. It is also believed to be a useful healer and balancer for people who had to ‘grow up‘ too fast.
Labradorite is a calming crystal for the overactive mind. This stone is believed to help your inner fears and insecurities disappear. It is a protective stone with mystical energy connecting you with other universal energies. It helps you retain your aura’s energy and it does not allow your energy to escape. This stone is believed to take you to another universe and onto other lives.
Lapis Lazuli reveals your inner truth and allows for expression without holding back. It releases feelings of frustration, resentment, and anger. It is excellent for anyone in a leadership position as it promotes qualities of wisdom, compassion, and authenticity.
Lepidolite is very effective in stabilizing emotions, particularly as it contains a high amount of natural lithium which is used in many anxiety medications. It gives you hope in dark times and is said to help treat addictions, depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD. It is also great to help you sleep.
Mahogany Obsidian has a gentle energy that will ground and protect its owner. Use it for strength in times of need, to remove energy blocks, and give new life to your purposes and goals. It can be used in healing to relieve pain and improve circulation.
Malachite is a powerful stone of self-transformation and amplifies both positive and negative energies. It eases heartache and promotes emotional healing.
It is believed that putting this stone on the third eye can facilitate visions and help you to receive insights from your subconscious mind.
Mangano Calcite is an amazing healing crystal for increasing the love and compassion into you life. They are known to aid emotional healing and boost your self worth and self esteem. It will help you to release the habits that have been holding you back from achieving your dreams, which allows you to move forward and make progress in all areas of your life. Mangano Calcite also brings out a caring and nurturing side to you and connects you to your more feminine energy - which is loving and promotes self love and care.
Mookaite is an energising stone that is used to increase the flow of positive energy through the lower Chakras, helping you to feel grounded, passionate and an increase in willpower. This is the stone to set you on the right track to your own life fulfillment. Use Mookaite to help you find your inspiration to change and bring about the courage needed to take back your life.
Opalite has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It is believed to stabilise mood swings and promote inner peace. It strengthens your connection to the spirit world and can aid the interpretation of psychic information.
Orange Calcite is a powerful cleanser and amplifier which helps to remove stagnant energy and replace it with positive energy. It helps to give you confidence and to feel optimism, happiness, inspiration and sparks your creativity. Orange Calcite can enhance your connection to your higher self, providing deep inner strength and protection from self-doubt. Keep on your or in your home or work space to uplift and revitalise.
Peach Selenite provides clarity of mind, expanding your awareness of yourself and of your surroundings. It can be used to help you to access past lives as well as the acquisition of materialistic pursuits in business.
Phoenix Stone helps you rise like a phoenix from the ashes. It is believed to help you emerge from a catastrophic or life-changing event feeling wiser, smarter and an emotionally stronger version of yourself. It is used to help you believe in yourself and to try again, succeed again and love again. It can help you endure hard times of all kind - business, work, financial, personal, relationship or grieving a loss and it is used to take you from darkness into the light.
Pink Amethyst is the feminine version of Purple Amethyst, Pink Amethyst is known to be a negativity blocker and is used to bring inner peace and calmness. Pink Amethyst is used to help heal sadness and other heartfelt issues. It is a very calming crystal helping protect you from any emotional stress as well as bringing a sense of calmness to everyday life chaos.
Pink Opal is the ultimate emotional healer. Belonging to the Heart Chakra, it assists in all types of healing of the heart such as sad feelings from broken relationships, broken friendships or broken family relationships. Pink Opal brings calmness to your emotions helping you feel at peace and aiding with emotional balance and healing.
Pyrite carries powerful vibrations of protection and willpower. It has long been recognized as a stone of luck and manifestation - attracting abundance and prosperity to the wearer. It improves mental clarity, sharpens focus, and stimulates creative imagination.
Fluorite is believed to encourage orderly thinking, increase concentration, assist in balance and aids in staying focused. It is an excellent learning stone for the office or study. It helps you to learn and understand new things and promotes fast responses. It’s believed to help with organisation, planning, staying focused, and calming stress or chaos.
Rainbow Moonstone aligns all the chakras, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the body. It forms a shield around the aura, protecting you from negative influences. It eliminates doubt and encourages you to take on new opportunities. It also helps to regulate hormones and is perfect for PMS and Menopause. It is the perfect all rounder.
Red Jasper is an ancient and sacred stone that has a deep connection to Mother Earth. It increases libido, promotes fertility, and provides support to those who are recovering from an illness. It imparts justice and gives you the courage to stand up for what is right.
Rhodonite is believed to promote outward love and forgiveness for others. It helps to stimulate acceptance, helping in repairing relationship breakdowns. It’s believed to help you remain calm when feeling angry and prevent you from any kind of irrational or erratic behaviour. It helps to keep your emotions and your thoughts remain balanced, helping you accept, forgive, love and move forward.
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love that carries a soft, feminine energy. It opens the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely and without fear. It helps you to attract new love into your life and promotes healthy, harmonious relationships.
Ruby Fuchsite combines the passionate energy of Ruby with the tranquil nature of Fuchsite. It fosters an overall sense of health and well-being, both mentally and physically. It clears blockages within the heart, allowing love to flow freely and without restriction.
Selenite is a powerful stone with a fine vibration. It purifies the aura and protects you from negative influences. It assists spiritual insight and aids you in seeing the deeper picture. It can be used to form a strong protective grid around a home or office space.
Smokey Quartz is one of the most powerful and effective grounding stones available. It facilitates a deep connection to Mother Earth and clears away negative thoughts. Its acts as a gentle companion for anyone experiencing grief, depression, or anxiety.
Snakeskin Jasper will act like your personal bodyguard. It is believed to help guard against negative opinions or behaviours of others against you or directed at you - it deflects any kind of negativity. It’s also believed to protect you from your own temptations which are not in your best interest which may be damaging or harmful to you.
Snowflake Obsidian can help you find the light in the darkness and tune into your spiritual guidance. It purifies and strengthens the mind, allowing you to overcome negative thoughts. It aids past-life recall and recovering deeply held subconscious memories.
Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind. It promotes emotional balance, eases insomnia, and calms panic attacks. It enhances creativity, improves self-acceptance, and encourages you to gently let go of your insecurities and embrace who you are.
Spirit Quartz is a Master Healer. It is one of the most powerful healing crystals. It can open up your mind, heart and soul to a higher level of guidance. At a mental level it may aid in concentration and unlock memory. This stone helps balance the Chakras, acts as a deep soul cleanser and balances your aura.
Strawberry Quartz is used to attract friendships and love. It belongs to the heart chakra with high emotional energy providing you with emotional balance. It is believed to assist you in finding your soul mate, your love partner, your best friend by helping you attract more like-minded people into your life. It also used to help you feel more open-minded to receiving love helping with your ability to feel loved and be loved.
Sunstone has an uplifting energy that aligns the mind, body, and spirit with its highest vibrations. It facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It brings passion, joy, and creativity back into one's life when they have lost touch with those feelings.
Tigers Eye encourages inner strength and motivation to succeed, renewing a sense of confidence. Great for kids at school or Adults everyday tasks. Tigers eye is believed to balance the Yin & Yang and helps bring balance and confidence to your emotions and improves your mood. It’s great for mental stability and motivation to succeed.
Turquentite helps to calm an overactive mind and relieves insomnia. It helps you to slowly rebuild your emotional body and heal from trauma, grief, PTSD, anxiety and depression. It greatly improved communication and gives you the strength to deal with difficult people and difficult situations.
Unakite has a gentle and comforting energy that promotes feelings of gratitude. It helps you to see the beauty in life and appreciate all the little things. It works to remove obstacles to your personal growth, especially helping to release any emotional pain.
Agate is a grounding stone, bringing about an emotional and intellectual balance. Vibrating at a low but constant frequency, agate is a slow and steady crystal that strengthens the aura bringing you energetic stability. A stone for protection, keep this crystal in your living space or carry with you to protect from negative energy. It may also help you to balance your mood and maintain emotional harmony.